5 Tips to Help Your Customers Streamline Their Move

Last Updated:

July 1, 2021

8 Min read

While moving is rarely fun, nothing beats the excitement of moving into a new apartment. The process involves a great deal of decluttering, sorting, organizing, and packing. Planning ahead makes the relocation process much easier, and you can start packing at least eight weeks before. This guide includes moving tips to simplify the packing and relocation process.

Things to Do When Moving

The first thing to do before your move is to create a timeline. Start planning about two months in advance by scheduling movers and giving notice to your current property manager. Planning well in advance also leaves enough time for decluttering and packing. Identifying the things to take with you and those to sell or donate is an essential step in the process. Some of the things to do when moving include:

Do Make a Budget and Stick to It

Moving can get expensive, and it is common for people to underestimate moving costs. The amount depends on whether you are hiring professional movers or doing it on your own. For DIY moves, factor in rental fees for the moving truck and equipment, gas, insurance, and packing supplies.

The costs for hiring expert movers are more straightforward. However, one of the tips for moving is to include additional services you may need on moving day, such as moving specialty items and packing. Making a moving budget is pretty straightforward. However, sticking to it is a completely different thing. You may need to make hard choices like skipping your favorite cup of coffee.

Do Choose the Right Location

When relocating, choosing your new neighborhood is among the most critical decisions you make. One of the best tips for moving house is to choose a neighborhood that suits your lifestyle. For example, families with kids are interested in good schools, access to parks and recreational facilities, and more. If you are a young professional, you may favor trendy neighbors with a thriving networking community. Ultimately, most people seek affordability, low crime rates, employment opportunities, and healthcare facilities in new neighborhoods.

Do Inspect Potential Apartments

A thorough inspection is among the top tips for moving into a new home. If this is your first apartment, you may be eager to move in and start furnishing. However, you may be liable for damages if you discover faulty fittings after moving in.

When conducting the inspection, start with the exterior doors and windows, and locks. Next, ensure that all electrical outlets work and check if the HVAC unit blows cold and hot air. Also, look out for any cracks on the floor or ceiling.

Do Pack Your Items Safely and Efficiently

It is not advisable to simply toss your stuff into packing boxes and hope for the best. In fact, not loading your items properly or failing to use suitable materials can result in damage. Use cushioning materials like packing paper and bubble wrap or soft household items such as bedding and towels.

Do Hire a Professional Moving Company

Deciding between professional movers or a DIY move is among the most critical decisions when relocating. When these two options are compared, using expert movers is the better option. First, moving with professionals is safer as they have the correct equipment and supplies. Secondly, experts work efficiently, thanks to years of experience. Also, a moving company can move specialty equipment like pianos, artwork, and bathtubs safely.  

Tips for Stressless Moving

There are a lot of logistics involved in relocation. Fortunately, there are many tried and tested tips for moving to simplify the process, including:

How to Pack for a Move

One of the winning packing tips for moving in a hurry is to use color-coded labels for every room. Doing this ensures that boxes end up in the correct rooms in your new home. If you are looking at your full household and wondering where to start, pack the least used items first. Put away things that you don't use daily, like books and movies.

Next, go over the attic, basement, and other rooms for storage as they accumulate many items. Keep in mind that the kitchen takes the longest to pack due to the many fragile items.

Moving Day

Moving day can be notoriously stressful as many things can go wrong. If you are interested in tips for moving into a new home, you can never go wrong with a lot of preparation. Minimize moving risks by creating an inventory and taking pictures. Visual aids highlight the condition of the stuff and help you assemble larger items.

Additionally, label all boxes with handling information to minimize the risk for damage. Lastly, pack a small bag with essentials like financial documents, tissue paper, medication, and chargers.


Labeling boxes properly is a great moving tip as it simplifies the unpacking process. Focus on unpacking essential items on the first day, like perishable food, utensils, and bathroom products. Next, assemble your bed and those of the kids and prepare them with fresh linen. You can unpack the kitchen and organize clothes on the second day and move onto the living room. Utility rooms like the garage and basement can come last.

Getting Rid of Stuff

It is not hard to see why getting rid of stuff is one of the common tips for moving house. After all, the more stuff you have, the more you pay for relocation costs. Thus, it is advisable to trim down your belongings to things you actually need. An excellent place to start is your closets, as they accumulate unused clothes and shoes. Other items to declutter include kids' artwork, old electronics, kitchen utensils, and magazines.

Saving Money on Your Move

The secret to saving money on your move is advance planning. Keep in mind that most people relocate during summer. Thus, scheduling your move during the off-peak season will cost you less. Another tip for moving is to source your own packing supplies. For example, you can ask local retailers if they have boxes to spare.

In Conclusion

Moving hacks like creating an inventory list and packing weeks before the moving day make the experience simpler and seamless. Another top tip for moving is to declutter, sell, donate, or throw away items you don't need to lower costs. Keep an essential bag on moving day with all items that you require to get through the first night in your new home. For more incredible moving hacks, contact our experts at Sarasota Sunshine Movers today.


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